Abandoned Boat in Alaska!

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style
I’m so bored due to Corona Virus isolation that I am featuring a boat I found abandoned in Alaska! Boats and planes are almost as common as cars and trucks in Alaska. Naturally, I like the older stuff, especially growing up watching Jaws. 

First off, sorry that I have not been as active on here as I have in the past. I am focusing more on the YouTube side of things, and you can see my YouTube channel here. Anyway, back to the vehicle in question! 

Normally I like to get some video of what’s abandoned, but this time I only got some pictures, so that’s perfect for you readers versus you watchers! Now, I don’t know anything about boats aside from the fact that I know I can’t afford to store one. 

This appears to be a late-mid 70s Bayliner Victoria. Apparently these 27 foot boats were powered by a Chevy 350. Again... I am learning all this as I go, so bear with me. There is a huge hole where the prop should be, so I don’t know if the engine is missing, or just the prop portion of it. I did not venture close enough to look inside the hole, and if I did, this was six years ago at this point, so I don’t remember. Yes, I am going through my achieves! 

When seeing some of these boats for sale online during my recent research, one floating in the water and running had an asking price of $3,000, and one with an engine sitting on a trailer looking only half better than this had an asking price of $1,500. I don’t know much about the value of boats, but I assume that would make this one with a value of free, if it were for sale. 

Back in the day, this would have been quite a nice, comfortable, and fully loaded boat! This Bayliner has it all: a head, galley, cabins, and all the other nautical terminology, but for now, it fits my terminology of “Rotting in Style”. 

That’s all for this one. I do have more footage and pictures from the Alaska, Gabel, and Retro collections, as well as some one-offs, so be prepared! 

If you want to see more random vehicles that haven’t driven, or float... floated... haven’t been floating in years, then come on back, and don’t forget to check us out on Twitter and Facebook for some exclusive content. Make sure you head on over and subscribe to the YouTube channel for the best of all this content. Well, at least in my opinion. Thanks for stopping by!

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style

1975 bayliner victoria abaonded alaska rotting in style
